Star Wars: How Rogue One Should Have Ended #movienews

How Rogue One Should Have Ended - Darth Vader

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is the latest installment in the Star Wars franchise that seems all-but unstoppable since its relaunch of sorts under the Disney umbrella. Rogue One is the first of many anthology stories, the first non-episodic Star Wars story that has been told on film, and it set a new standard for what kinds of stories can be explored to expand the universe.

And that means a lot more criticisms, parodies, and ‘what ifs’ from fandom, including another Star Wars themed episode of How It Should Have Ended (or “HISHE” for short) from the mega popular same-titled YouTube channel. The HISHE team mixes critical analysis and examination of plot holes in pop culture movies and lampoons what are all too frequently unsatisfying endings, and it does so with fun animation.

Their latest offering is Rogue One: A Star Wars Story How It Should Have Ending, taking one of the biggest movies ...

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Star Wars: How Rogue One Should Have Ended

from Movie News – Screen Rant

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