One of the earliest Marvel Cinematic Universe installments, The Incredible Hulk, receives the Honest Trailers treatment ahead of Avengers: Infinity War’s release. Much has already been said about 2018 being the 10-year anniversary of the MCU, as the whole franchise started back in 2008 with Iron Man. However, that origin story wasn’t the only Marvel movie to hit theaters that summer. Just one month after Robert Downey, Jr. charmed audiences as Tony Stark, viewers saw Edward Norton play Bruce Banner in his first (and only) turn as the Hulk.
In the decade since, The Incredible Hulk has become something of a forgotten entry in the series. The tease that Samuel Sterns would become The Leader never manifested itself, Liv Tyler’s Betty Ross is no longer Bruce’s love interest, and William Hurt reprising Thaddeus Ross in Civil War is really the only meaningful connective tissue between it ...
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