Fox has been making X-Men movies since 2000, largely helmed by Bryan Singer and closely followed by James Mangold who has directed both The Wolverine and Logan. As one of the longest-running superhero film properties of all time there is a lot of pressure on it to not only produce a good movie, but be looking to the future of how it will continue to develop.
With their latest installment about to arrive – and the third Wolverine solo movie on top of that – there are many questions that have arisen about not only the future of the franchise, but the future of Hugh Jackman’s character as well. These topics are discussed in a new video Screen Rant produced in partnership with Regal Cinemas, which you can watch above.
First, of course, is the question of whether or not Hugh Jackman will move forward in the role. He mentioned in ...
Click to continue reading What Does Logan Mean For The X-Men Movie Universe?
from Movie News – Screen Rant