Andy Serkis has revealed that the first trailer for his long-planned The Jungle Book adaptation, Mowgli, is coming very soon. Based on the book by Rudyard Kipling about a boy who grew up in the wild, the live-action film, originally titled Jungle Book: Origins, stars Rohan Chand as Mowgli, Andy Serkis as Baloo, Christian Bale as Bagheera, Benedict Cumberbatch as Shere Khan and Cate Blanchett as Kaa.
Mowgli was first announced by Warner Bros. Pictures in April 2012 with Harry Potter screenwriter Steve Kloves in talks to write, direct, and produce. However, by a year later, Alejandro González Iñárritu was in talks instead, though he too then had to leave the project due to scheduling conflicts because of his films Birdman and The Revenant. Ron ...
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