Robert Downey Jr. ‘Really Enjoyed’ Avengers Scenes With Cumberbatch #movienews

Robert Downey Jr. teases his fun scenes with Benedict Cumberbatch in Avengers: Infinity War. Playing Tony Stark/Iron Man and Stephen Strange/Doctor Strange respectively, RDJ and Cumberbatch are only two of the many, many actors that are slated to appear in the upcoming Marvel Studios epic as the MCU gears up to fight their most dangerous threat yet: Thanos.

The tandem between the two aforementioned characters is one of the most-anticipated in Infinity War. Until now, Strange and his mystical arts cohorts have been removed from the bigger MCU, sans his brief interactions with Thor and Loki. But knowing now that he has knowledge about the ...

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Robert Downey Jr. ‘Really Enjoyed’ Avengers Scenes With Cumberbatch

The post Robert Downey Jr. ‘Really Enjoyed’ Avengers Scenes With Cumberbatch appeared first on Screen Rant.

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