Assassin’s Creed Video: The Science Behind the Animus #movienews

Assassin's Creed Movie Trailer

It’s been a long time since any video game looked as promising as Assassin’s Creed. The genuine talent in front of and behind the camera gives this one a fighting chance to flip the struggling genre up on its head. The film follows Callum Lynch (Michael Fassbender), who is used by a secret government agency to travel back to the times of his ancestors — all of whom were notorious assassins. He then becomes Aguilar de Nerha, a member of the Spanish Brotherhood in 15th Century Spain. And how he’s able to do that is through the Animus, a highly advanced virtual reality machine.

If you’ve not played the Assassin’s Creed video games, the Animus is a central part of their architecture. Players begin in the modern day, but can then travel back to various time periods — the Italian Renaissance, England’s Industrial Revolution, etc. — where they become a highly ...

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