Star Wars: Rogue One Director Reveals Easter Egg in the Film #movienews

Rogue One Director Reveals Easter Egg

rogue one director reveals easter egg Star Wars: Rogue One Director Reveals Easter Egg in the Film

In just a few short weeks, the Star Wars universe is set to be explored onscreen in a way that it has never been before with Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, the first in a hopefully long line of new standalone, spin-off films set within the cinematic universe. Coming from director Gareth Edwards (Godzilla), the new film tells the story of the group of rebels responsible for stealing the Death Star plans that played such a vital role in the overall victory of the Rebel Alliance, and leads directly into the beginning of Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope. Starring Felicity Jones in the lead role as Jyn Erso, the movie looks to be ...

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