Buzz continues to build for the sequel Jack Reacher 2: Never Go Back, featuring a new director (Edward Zwick) and entirely new supporting cast behind Jack Reacher star Tom Cruise. The first trailer revealed much about the story line of the sequel, which follows the title character back to his original military base to help the new commander of his former squad, Major Susan Turner (Cobie Smulders), whom he believes was falsely accused of espionage. After Reacher is suddenly accused of a 16-year-old murder, he and Turner eventually uncover a plot even bigger than they imagined.
The film’s first 60-second TV spot revealed more about the villains’ plot, which appears to center around the systematic killing of U.S. soldiers, some of which were formerly under Reacher’s command – and were murdered by one of their own. The newest TV spot does not reveal much beyond that, but does hint at a massive hunting (and killing) spree by ...
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