Fox Sets Release Dates For 2 Marvel Movies #movienews

X-Men vs Fantastic Four Comic

X Men vs Fantastic Four Comic Fox Sets Release Dates For 2 Marvel Movies

Predicting 20th Century Fox’s Marvel movie release date lineup is a bit like reading tea leaves. Tentpole feature release date schedules are, of course, subject to change, but Fox’s franchises have been particularly unstable. The futures of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and DC Extended Universes are transparent several years out, but we know very little about what’s going on with Fox’s X-Men and Fantastic Four lineups beyond next March’s Logan.

A follow-up to X-Men: Apocalypse has been promised, though the ill critical reception and lackluster box office have fans wondering if Fox might take the series another way. Gambit was originally promised for late 2016 but hasn’t begun production yet and recently lost another director. A ...

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