Rogue One: Details On Darth Vader’s Castle Revealed #movienews

Darth Vader In Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

WARNING: This post contains SPOILERS for Rogue One

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story dealt more with new characters like Jyn Erso and Director Orson Krennic, but there was one familiar face that loomed large over the proceedings: Darth Vader. Given the spinoff’s place in the franchise timeline, it only made sense for the Sith Lord to be featured in some capacity during Rogue One, and director Gareth Edwards employed the villain sparingly, but effectively. Vader has two main scenes in the film: a conversation with Krennic, and one action sequence in a darkened hallway that has already gone down in Star Wars legend.

While Vader’s slaughtering of helpless Rebel soldiers excited many fans, ...

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