Over the past decade, the idea of a shared cinematic universe has gone from kids’ sandboxes and playgrounds, to the big screen in a major way. The charge was led by Marvel Studios when it laid the seeds for a bigger universe by having Robert Downey Jr’s Tony Stark share a scene with William Hurt’s General Ross during The Incredible Hulk. Beyond a tease by Nick Fury in Iron Man, this was a seminal – and often forgotten moment – in the modern history of growing cinematic landscapes.
Since then, other properties and studios have gotten into the act, including Warner Bros’ DC Extended Universe and most notably of late, Star Wars. When Disney acquired Lucasfilm, a brain trust of story editors were created to plot a new, cohesive story line for the entire galaxy of stories. They simplified their canon by resetting all story elements from the Expanded Universe, outside of the theatrical films and The Clone ...
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