Suicide Squad Gets An Honest Trailer #movienews

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Anticipation can be a double-edged sword, especially when it comes to the movies. Sometimes, the months of hype and waiting can enhance the enjoyment of a film. There’s nothing quite like the feeling of having a movie totally live up to your expectations and become one of your new favorites. Other times, however, a film just crashes and burns, failing to please you in all the ways it promised to during the build up. There is probably no better example of a movie embodying both extremes of anticipation than Suicide Squad.

David Ayer’s (Fury) entry into the DCEU divided fans and was hit hard by critics. While there are those who enjoyed the film for what it was, for many it was the latest in a long line of WB DC films that failed to live up to the source material. Though most agreed that Margot ...

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