Rogue One: No Extended Cut Exists; Editors Discuss Reshoots #movienews

Star Wars: Rogue One - IMAX poster cropped

In the months leading up to the premiere of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, the project’s extensive reshoots caused many in the fandom to become concerned about the spinoff’s potential quality. Now that the film is a well-received box office smash, viewers can sit back and laugh about all the worrying about nothing, but at the time, there was legitimate fear. After the movie’s release, it’s become apparent that these were not your standard, run-of-the-mill pickups that all studio tentpoles have, as several scenes from the trailers were either cut or heavily altered.

Actor Ben Mendelsohn, who plays cunning villain Director Orson Krennic, recently opened up about the experiences, revealing that there were as many as 30 scenes filmed ...

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